Equi Cool Down Neck Wrap
Provides gentle, non-evasive cool therapy for neck soreness, post-injection swelling or core body cooling via the jugular. Flexible and easy to use, simply immerse in cool water and fit. Fully adjustable stretch fastenings.
Size: 15" x 63 (One Size Only, Colour -Blue)
Hand wash or machine wash cool with mild detergent
Equi Cool Down’s product range utilizes advanced multi-fibre weave textile technology combined with a natural plant extract and water to create clever, instant cooling relief for horse and rider. Initially designed for use in the sports arena, these easy to use garments are ideal for both the recreational or professional rider as well as for therapeutic treatment and acclimatisation. Simple to use. No special preparation is required, simply immerse in cold water, wring and apply. A quick wave in the air reactivates the cooling properties if extended use is necessary. Reusable. Hand wash or machine wash cool with mild detergent. Highly commended in BETA's 2015 Innovation Awards
Your Equi Cool Down wrap has been treated with an anti-microbial wash (twice during the manufacturing process). This allows the wrap to be stored clean in a damp state. Mold and mildew* can occur if the wrap has any dirt or debris on it so we don’t recommend storing thewrap wet for longer periods of time (see Long Term below). You can store the wrap in the zipper carry bag it came in or simply use a plastic or rubber tote with a lid for easy access.
Long Term Storage:
When not in use, machine or hand rinse the wrap in cold water (using regular laundry detergent, no fabric softener), fold and set aside to dry out completely. DO NOT try and unfold it when dry– the material will harden when dry and can crack if bent. When you are ready to use it again, rewet either by soaking until soft and wringing out excess water or simply toss it back into your washer. It will become soft and supple again.
*A note about mold/mildew: If this occurs, machine washing your wrap may take care of the problem leaving only a color stain on the fabric. You can use hot water to be sure the
mold/mildew is completely eliminated, but the hot water may slightly fade the color of your wrap however the hot wash will not negate any of the cooling properties of your wrap.