Easy-Change Fit Solution Flat Head Screws
Before you get started, check you have the right tools. We recommend a long handled Philips Head number 3 screwdriver, your EASY-CHANGE® Locating Tool, and your EASY-CHANGE® Gullet and Riser Packs.
When making adjustments to your saddle, it is important that the weight of the saddle is fully supported, so that you have both hands free and a clear view of what you are doing. If you prefer to stand whilst making adjustments on your saddle, you will need a covered table to protect the saddle.
Secure the back (cantle area) of the saddle between your knees and a table, with the saddle panel facing away from you (against the table), the saddle is now held secure and you have both hands free.
If you prefer to sit down to make adjustments to your saddle. Grip the back of the saddle securely with your knees with the panels facing towards you, again so you have both hands free.
N.B whilst the innovative EASY-CHANGE® Fit Solution offers unsurpassed flexibility in achieving an optimal fit, no one saddle can claim to fit every horse. It is always recommended ongoing professional advice is sought on the fit and in meeting the unique needs of each horse/rider combination. Global patents and design registrations apply.